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Android 4.0 delivers a refined, unified UI for phones and tablets and introduces avant-garde appearance for users and developers. This certificate provides a glimpse of the abounding new appearance and technologies that accomplish Android 4.0 simple, beautiful, and above smart.
android 4.0
Android 4.0 builds on the things bodies adulation best about Android — accessible multitasking, affluent notifications, customizable home screens, resizable widgets, and abysmal interactivity — and adds able new means of communicating and sharing.
android 4.0
Focused on bringing the ability of Android to the surface, Android 4.0 makes accepted accomplishments added arresting and lets users cross with simple, automatic gestures. Aesthetic animations and acknowledgment throughout the arrangement accomplish interactions agreeable and interesting. An absolutely new book optimized for high-resolution screens improves readability and brings a polished, avant-garde feel to the user interface.

android 4.0
Virtual buttons in the Arrangement Bar let users cross instantly to Back, Home, and Contempo Apps. The Arrangement Bar and basic buttons are present beyond all apps, but can be dimmed by applications for full-screen viewing. Users can admission anniversary application's contextual options in the Action Bar, displayed at the top (and sometimes additionally at the bottom) of the screen.
android 4.0
Multitasking is a key backbone of Android and it's fabricated alike easier and added beheld on Android 4.0. The Contempo Apps button lets users jump instantly from one assignment to addition appliance the annual in the Arrangement Bar. The annual ancestor up to appearance thumbnail images of apps acclimated afresh — borer a thumbnail switches to the app.
android 4.0
The Contempo Apps annual makes multitasking simple.Jump to the camera or see notifications after unlocking.For admission calls, you can acknowledge instantly by text.Rich and alternate notifications let users accumulate in connected blow with admission messages, comedy music tracks, see real-time updates from apps, and abundant more. On smaller-screen devices, notifications arise at the top of the screen, while on larger-screen accessories they arise in the Arrangement Bar.
android 4.0

android 4.0
The All Apps launcher (left) and resizable widgets (right) accord you apps and affluent agreeable from the home screen.