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New home awning folders action a new way for users to accumulation their apps and shortcuts logically, aloof by boring one assimilate another. Also, in All Apps launcher, users can now artlessly annoyance an app to get advice about it or anon uninstall it, or attenuate a pre-installed app.
android 4.0
On smaller-screen devices, the home awning now includes a customizable favorites tray arresting from all home screens. Users can annoyance apps, shortcuts, folders, and added antecedence items in or out of the favorites tray for burning admission from any home screen.
android 4.0
Home screens in Android 4.0 are advised to be content-rich and customizable. Users can do abundant added than add shortcuts — they can bury alive appliance agreeable anon through alternate widgets. Widgets let users analysis email, cast through a calendar, comedy music, analysis amusing streams, and added — appropriate from the home screen, after accepting to barrage apps. Widgets are resizable, so users can aggrandize them to appearance added agreeable or compress them to save space.

android 4.0
The lock screens now let users do added after unlocking. From the accelerate lock screen, users can jump anon to the camera for a annual or cull bottomward the notifications window to analysis for messages. Back alert to music, users can alike administer music advance and see anthology art.
android 4.0
When an admission alarm arrives, users can now bound acknowledge by argument message, after defective to aces up the alarm or alleviate the device. On the admission alarm screen, users artlessly accelerate a ascendancy to see a annual of argument responses and again tap to accelerate and end the call. Users can add their own responses and administer the annual from the Settings app.
android 4.0
Android 4.0 makes managing notifications, contempo apps, and browser tabs alike easier. Users can now abolish alone notifications, apps from the Contempo Apps list, and browser tabs with a simple bash of a finger.
android 4.0
The bendable keyboard in Android 4.0 makes argument ascribe alike faster and added accurate. Error alteration and babble advancement are bigger through a new set of absence dictionaries and added authentic heuristics for administration cases such as double-typed characters, skipped letters, and bare spaces. Babble advancement is additionally bigger and the advancement band is simplified to appearance alone three words at a time.
android 4.0
To fix misspelled words added easily, Android 4.0 adds a spell-checker that locates and underlines errors and suggests backup words. With one tap, users can accept from assorted spelling suggestions, annul a word, or add it to the dictionary. Users can alike tap to see backup suggestions for words that are spelled correctly. For specialized appearance or added languages, users can now download and install third-party dictionaries, spell-checkers, and added argument services.
android 4.0
Android 4.0 introduces a able new articulation ascribe agent that offers a connected "open microphone" acquaintance and alive articulation recognition. The new articulation ascribe agent lets users behest the argument they want, for as continued as they want, appliance the accent they want. Users can allege continously for a abiding time, alike pausing for intervals if needed, and behest punctuation to actualize actual sentences. As the articulation ascribe agent enters text, it underlines accessible dictation errors in gray. After dictating, users can tap the accent words to bound alter them from a annual of suggestions.