Samsung launches today the Galaxy-Note with LTE, Galaxy Nexus and the Galaxy Tab 8.9 also with LTE in Korea.The Galaxy Note releasing in Korea is LTE capable with a 1.5 GHz dual-core processor and a 5.3” HD Super AMOLED display, delivering a revolutionary seamless multimedia experience to customers. On the day, Samsung also launched Galaxy Nexus which is the world-first smartphone running Icecream Sandwich OS, and Galaxy Tab 8.9 which is the first LTE capable tablet PC in Korea.
Samsung Galaxy S2 LTE has released in Japan as the first LTE capable smartphone in the country. NTT Docomo, the largest tecommunications operator in Japan, held a launch event of Samsung Galaxy S2 LTE in Akihabara on Nov 24. Mr Yamada, CEO of NTT Docomo, said “I believe Galaxy S2 LTE is a fantastic smartphone which will eclipse iPhone 4S.”