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The company "Content Master", known primarily as a manufacturer of navigation products under the brand name Shturmann, announced the development of new entertainment geo-service PONI.

As the developers of service, PONI - this is an opportunity to invite friends from social networks to any interesting event, as well as services that can be used as a diary of travel: friends see in the news event with geo-mapped mark. In addition, you can just share with friends addresses of interesting places.

Submit News PONI very easy: just visit the site my.shturmann.com, click on the e-card, or specify an address in the search box, and then click "Add PONI». The news of the PONI will be automatically translated into the news in your chosen social network.

To save users from the tedious registration process at many sites, the service is integrated into popular social networks, add PONI can, using your account on social networking sites.