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Operator MegaFon and OAO "IDC Holding" signed a strategic cooperation agreement for the period from 2011 to 2015 thanks to him MegaFon will be able to develop its fiber-optic network based on the energy infrastructure in the IDC of a number of federal districts of Russia. The new agreement involves the use of facilities Electricity as sites for the antenna-mast structures and base stations. The length of the newly created fiber-optic lines will be 5,600 km. The new network will be built in the Central, Northwestern, Volga, Southern, Ural and Far Eastern Federal Districts of Russia. Through the use of infrastructure, "IDC Holding" MegaFon be able to provide mobile broadband access to remote and inaccessible localities throughout the country. The total investment in new networks from the operator of $ 70 million. The use of the infrastructure, "IDC Holding" provide direct economic benefit of $ 20 million to be spent on construction of additional 1,000 kilometers of new fiber-optic lines. The first major joint project will be construction of fiber optic backbone in the Republic of North Ossetia (Alania) in 2012. Its implementation will allow a subsidiary of JSC "Ostelekom" high-speed backbone network "MegaFon". With the new agreement, MegaFon will M2M operator "IDC." Network will be provided with holding a special system of remote control and monitoring technology for machine-to-machine. MegaFon equip energy facilities own wireless M2M-solutions for electricity metering systems, tracking of vehicles and the state of technological systems, etc. To control the network will be organized by a single remote monitoring center. In the near future in the North-West Federal District will be running a pilot project to M2M data collection using the opportunities the network and alignment of interaction and information exchange between the North-West branch of OJSC "MegaFon" and JSC "MRSC of North-West." In the future this experience will be available at all branches of companies. The new agreement also provides for operational cooperation in disaster management. Including the companies will collaborate on joint use of mobile sources of backup power and ensure guaranteed power critical facilities. In order to prevent emergency situations will be organized an information exchange between the situational center of OJSC "MegaFon" situational and operational center of OAO "IDC Holding".