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Kaluga Branch of Tele2 has summed up the technical work carried out in October 2011, and announced the expansion of coverage in Baryatinsky, Suhinichskom, Tarusa, Iznoskovskom, Przemysl and Ferzikovskom areas of the Kaluga Region, as well as improving the quality of communication in the region as a whole. Technical Service Tele2 continues to conduct large-scale efforts to expand network coverage and improve the quality of communication. In October 2011 bond Tele2 appeared in more than 40 localities Bariatinskii, Suhinichskogo, Tarusa, Iznoskovskogo, Przemysl, and suburban areas Ferzikovskogo Kaluga:

Tsvetovka, Zaitseva Gore and Zubrivka Bariatinskii area to cover another area of ​​Warsaw highway;
Seredeysky, Sosnovka Pechenkin, Ermolov, Popkov, Tsepov Suhinichskogo area
Kolyupanovo, Kaluga
Baryatino, Latynina, Pimenov, Andreyev, Zhelyakovo, Ishutin, Guriev, Kareeva Tarusa district
Mounds, Rudenko, Chernyshevka, Burtsev Cricova Iznoskovskogo area
Yastrebovka, Stopkino, n. Rozhkovsky Forestry, Horse, Menshikov, Titus, Kutkovo, Gryaznov, cupule, Durasova, hollow, Spas Ferzikovskogo area
Makarova, Zabelin Teremerevo, Karaulovka, bass, Oberegaevka, Kurovo, Gulev, Shil'nikov Przemysl district
According to Sergei Mylnikov, technical director of Tele2 Kaluga, to date, Tele2 services are available for more than 90% of the Kaluga region. Operator continue to systematically expand coverage area and improve the quality of communication - it was his strategic objectives. Since 2011 the number of base stations has increased by 21%, and network capacity - more than 40%. Specialists of the Technical Department Tele2 daily monitor the quality of communication in the network and analyze the treatment of subscribers. As a result of carried out the necessary technical work.