C Since its launch in October 2009, Windows 7 for the first time became the most popular OS family, bypassing the operating system Windows XP, which appeared on the market in October 2001. Currently running Windows 7 works 40.21% of all home computers in the world. But the number of users of Windows XP in October fell to 38.64%, according to StatCounter. This is the first two years of sales of Windows 7 when it becomes the most popular OS in the world and lead a relatively new operating system version that is present on the market for almost ten years. The popularity of Windows 7, due to the fact that at the stage of the beta versions, it was graciously accepted by users. After the release of the system, starting with November 2009, Windows 7 has received massive positive feedback from individuals, corporate clients and media. This was confirmed, and sales. Two weeks on Windows 7's popularity surpassed the OS from Apple Snow Leopard. In early February 2010, the OS has reached a mark of 10% of total OS in that it only took three months. The previous version of Windows Vista, which many consider the failure of Microsoft, has remained more popular than Windows 7 to July 2010, ie within 10 months. During the first year of sales Microsoft has implemented more than 240 million copies of the operating system, which allowed an analytical agency Gartner suggests that by the end of 2010, 42% of home computers will be running this version, and 94% of all new PCs will be initially delivered to her. Now the total number of PCs with Windows 7 by the end of 2011 is estimated at 635 million, while Microsoft has recently announced that has sold 450 million licenses of the OS. Instead of Windows 7 has been developed on Windows 8, the main feature of which will be a completely new interface Metro, which will be adapted for control via a touch screen, and the fact that the OS will be adapted for chipsets with ARM-processors.