The company Research in Motion posted a video in which one executive director, Mike Lazaridis (Mike Lazaridis) apologize for any problems with the use of smartphones BlackBerry. He said the company is very sorry for the inconvenience and promised that in future they will make every effort to ensure that the situation did not arise in the future. When it comes this bright future, in which the BlackBerry service will be operational again, Mr. Lazaridis said no. Noting that the main purpose of the company since 1999 is to communicate in real time, no time to restore this feature in full, the executive director did not mention. But Mike Lazaridis said that the failure of the European Service Center, located in England, not the result of a hacker attack. At the same time, the problem has become an avalanche. If the delay on Monday with delivery e-mail and recorded in Europe and Canada, to the environment as it spread to the U.S. and Asia. At the moment, partly managed to cope with it in North America but not elsewhere. The recovery process is slow, but the company is soothing assurances to users that their mail and messages are not lost and do not fall into the hands of third parties, and eventually reach their destinations.