Operator MegaFon has commissioned a unique for Russia, content delivery network (Content Delivery Network), with access to the world of the future content resources. One of the practical applications of the project implemented on the basis of decisions of the company CDNetworks, will broadcast the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi in the world. Content Delivery Network (CDN) integrates servers, standing in the large cities of Russia, into a single infrastructure. This can speed up the information from the Internet to end users, to prevent delays in data transmission, the possible interruption and loss on congested channels and interfaces between them and relieve highway and the nodes, distributing the load among the emerging remote servers. Servers in close proximity to the end user can increase the outgoing bandwidth of the system. Introduction CDN enables operators to deliver video content in HD, to ensure quick loading of large files, or arrange for home video with high quality service and low costs on the network. The project is designed to work with content providers, aggregators of content, channels and major broadcasters. MegaFon has organized a CDN point of presence in ten cities: Moscow, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Krasnodar, Samara, Rostov-on-Don, Chelyabinsk, Perm, Yekaterinburg, and Khabarovsk . By late 2011, the operator will increase the number of points of presence CDN, including the nodes will be started in Kazan and St. Petersburg. MegaFon plans to use the infrastructure CDN for both internal projects, such as "Trava.ru", Video Sharing, and as a platform for business development content providers. Service is testing the five major companies - content providers. In 2013, MegaFon plans to enter the payback of the project and become the market leader in Russia, CDN, and in 2014 with a network CDN company plans to broadcast the Olympic and Paralimpiskih Games in Sochi in the world.