Company Research In Motion (RIM), in fact, confirmed its intention to issue such smartphones as BlackBerry Bold 9790 and BlackBerry Curve 9380. True, it was not an official announcement and blog post for developers that came out simulations of these devices based on BlackBerry 7 OS, so you can write applications for them. It is reported that the BlackBerry Curve 9380 will receive a 3.2-inch screen with a resolution of 360x480 pixels. According to other preliminary data, the model is implemented in the form factor monoblock with a touch screen, equipped with a 800-MHz processor, 5-megapixel camera with video recording function and supports 720p NFC. As for the BlackBerry Bold 9790, he, according to RIM, is equipped with 2 44-inch display with a resolution 480h360 points. The apparatus, according to unofficial information and photos, is equipped with horizontal touchscreen and QWERTY-keyboard, NFC, 5-megapixel camera, 1.2-GHz processor and 8 GB of internal memory. While no exact data on the timing of devices, but it may still be the current year, not next.