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The reorganization of Nokia's continued and reached a production of the company. Stephen Elop head of Nokia said the company intends to close its factory in Romania before the end of 2011, as well as focus on the reorganization of production at other plants outside of Asia in Salo (Finland), Komarome (Hungary) and Reynoze (Mexico). Closure of the same company in Cluj-Napoca, Romania will lead to dismissal of employees in 2200. The company's management promises that will help them in future employment. In addition, Nokia has plans to cut 1,300 employees working in the office of the company, occupied by the problems of localization and commercial use (NAVTEQ, social services, etc.). As a result of optimization, restructuring and integration will reduce a company's offices in Berlin and Bonn, German, American, Boston, Chicago, Malvern and other cities. You know exactly what will shut offices in Bonn and Malvern, and the rest will undergo a downsizing. Decreased production - the next step by Nokia to optimize costs, after lay-offs were held in the offices of companies involved in the development of new devices and software. In the future it is planned that the bulk of production will be introduced to Asian factories. Explanation from management indicate the need for economy and the fact that kontraktery are in Asia. At the same time outside of Asia will remain associated with the branch office devices customization for specific markets. With the production of smartphones will be the focus shifted to the localization kit, software and services. In all, the declaration of the "association" will be reduced at least 3,500 people.