Buried in the legalese describing the terms and conditions of a Mango app promotion the company is running, we find a short list of Mango phones being offered as prizes. There's the Sea Ray, of course, accompanied by the Nokia Sabre, Samsung Wembley, and Samsung Yukon.
It's new to us, but apparently the name "Sabre" has popped up very sporadically in discussions of Windows Phone devices over the past several months. Even if it's name was known by some, no one's come forward with any reliable information about the hardware.
Samsung's Yukon and Wembley are a bit more mysterious. They're likely referring to a Samsung model we've already heard of, like the Omnia W or Focus Flash, but which? A little digging-around has turned up some specs which make it look like the Samsung Wembley will be a 1.5GHz device with a 3.7-inch Super AMOLED WVGA screen, five-megapixel main camera, and VGA front-facer. Those are close to the specs we're expecting for some Samsung Mango phones, but aren't perfect matches; we'll need to see some more evidence before we can confirm their identities.