Apparently in the U.S. market smartphone HTC Sensation will have specifications different from the European variant. At least, this suggests a letter sent by Taiwanese smartphone maker to the Federal Communications Commission USA. HTC Sensation apparatus has already been certified by the organization, but now requests permission to make changes in the parameters of the certified product. In particular it is, and that the processor will have a smartphone is not clocked at 1.2 GHz and 1.5 GHz, and that the battery will be replaced with a more capacious model. Change of battery can be found in the past, when it became known that the more capacious battery, installed in a version of HTC Sensation XE, and is compatible with the original HTC Sensation. That is only for vehicles already released it is a separately purchased accessory. Thus we can say that the North American market, HTC smartphones displays Sensation and Sensation XE, which will have differences from European counterparts with regard to battery life and processor performance. Technically, there are no fundamental changes is not paid and European version of the theory can be brought to the same parameters. However, HTC does not report that, in countries where the device already comes Sensation will be sent to an identical model supplied to the U.S. market. This option is available and the only question the company's desire to obtain the unification of devices. It is worth noting that the actual receipt of smartphones with slightly changed characteristics may be conducted without official communication.