Japanese virtual mobile network operator Disney Mobile has introduced a new model of Android smartphone - DM011SH, performed in, an unusual "green robots" form factor "slider" and having a waterproof housing.
In this new product as pre different content, dedicated to the Walt Disney characters, including a variety of themes (including software), interactive books, etc.
In technical terms, DM011SH, manufactured by Sharp, is as follows:
Support communications standards: W-CDMA 1500/2100 MHz
Platform: Android 2.3
Display: 3.4-inch, New Mobile ASV, permission 854h480 points
Camera: 8 megapixel CMOS with autofocus
MicroSD slot for memory cards
TV tuner (one-seg)
Warning system on earthquakes and other disasters
Communications: Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11 b / g / n, Bluetooth v3.0, Infrared port, DLNA, NFC, GPS