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Production of a 10.1-inch tablet Amazon Kindle Fire can begin before the end of this year. Although it was reported that the real buyers to the model will reach in 2012, but now DigiTimes reports that in the Amazon, it was decided to move to a more aggressive policy on the dissemination of their tablets. It is also reported that a tablet with a 10-inch screen will be produced at factories Foxconn. This should allow the company to start selling tablets in New Year sales season, which means to get and more profit. Foxconn Company is engaged in the production of devices for reading electronic books for the company's Amazon, but relatively tablets were not known. Unofficially, it has been suggested that the Chinese company took up the execution of an order for the plates, for the reason that has already been downloaded by Apple, which signed a contract for the production of tablets iPad. Relatively Amazon knows that at least Tablet Kindle Fire with 7-inch screen will be produced by Quanta, which was previously a contractor RIM to release BlackBerry PlayBook. Given that the iPad is very popular and the production of plates increases, and vice versa PlayBook has failed project, then we must assume that in the Amazon have the opportunity to sign a contract for production and a 10-inch model at factories Quanta Computers. To date, was announced only tablet Amazon Kindle Fire with 7-inch display, plans to release 10-inch model does not officially reported.