Prior to the formal submission of the smartphone Samsung Epic Touch left more than a day, but the resource PocketNow has published the official press pictures of the smartphone Samsung galaxy S II. Destined for the North American operator Sprint. Title apparatus Epic Touch is a logical continuation of the series, since the smartphone Samsung Galaxy S with side QWERTY-keyboard for a given operator had called Samsung Epic. This refutes the preliminary unofficial information that the smartphone will be called Samsung Within. Based on the submitted photographs of the three variations of the smartphone Samsung Galaxy S II, intended for the U.S. market Epic Touch retained in the design features of the maximum of the original apparatus. Unusually for the U.S. market is the lack of carrier brand on the front panel, which put together two logos just did not work and "sacrifice" the inscription Sprint. For the rest, including technical specifications, this smartphone is not very different from the European version of Samsung Galaxy S II.