The company announced the Olympus digital voice recorders Olympus DM-650 DM-670. According to her, they will be useful to professionals in the areas where you want to record voice, for example, told reporters. New items are similar, only the amount of internal memory Olympus DM-650 is 4 GB and the Olympus DM-670 - 8 GB, the second model also supports voice prompts, voice guidance. In addition to internal memory, you can write to the cards microSD, which also supports voice recorders. Olympus DM-650 DM-670 fitted with just three built-in microphones, 1.69-inch display with backlight, noise reduction, and support the Voice Filter (Voice of the background selection noise). The new recorders can record in three formats: WMA, MP3 and Linear PCM (up to 48 kHz/16 bit). Another important feature is voice activation (VCVA) - automatically starts recording when a certain volume and end at lower volumes. In the new file formats, voice recorders can be shared PCM and MP3 or partially remove the files in the format PCM, recording can also copy and move between internal memory and microSD card or between folders, a voice recorder. Important parts of the audio can be selected using the index or temporary notes. Production of devices is expected in October, Olympus DM-650 - in silver at 149.99 euros, while DM-670 - in black for 199.99 euros.