The company introduced a personal tracker GlobusGPS GlobusGPS GL-TR1-mini. According to the company, this is one of the smallest trackers in the world. In addition to the size of highlights housing with buttons for calls to fixed phone numbers, a built-in microphone and speaker for voice communication, and sensitive GPS receiver with A-GPS, internal memory - "Black Box" control on the location of the base stations of mobile operators - LBS. If tracker was in the zone where it is impossible to determine the coordinates for the GPS, but there is GSM connection, the tracker sends information to the server with the coordinates of the entrance to the area with poor visibility GPS, and then information about the base station network operator. To the number of cellular operator base station monitoring system can determine the location of the tracker. The accuracy of determination of LBS is not high, in large cities - about 300 meters. After leaving the area of poor visibility GPS tracker will transmit the coordinates of this point. tracker GL-TR1-mini can be used as a phone, it can call, and with it the tracker can make calls at four fixed numbers that are assigned to buttons. Also you can send 4 SMS messages to a pre-prescribed number of mobile phones. For each of the 4 buttons can be assigned mobile number and SMS message in Russian or any other language. A-GPS mode set by tracker allows you to use the tracker in areas with poor visibility of GPS satellites. When the downloaded data from the server A-GPS tracker significantly increases the sensitivity, as well as reducing the time a "cold" start. Using this mode, the tracker can determine your location, even indoors. If the tracker was in the zone where there is no GSM connection, the information stored in the "black box", after reconnecting the tracker sends information from the "black box" in batches of 40 points per session. GlobusGPS GL-TR1-mini allows you to transmit location data either automatically or on request. In reply to an SMS request to the tracker sends an SMS message to a cell phone. Retail price GlobusGPS GL-TR1-mini is 5700 rubles.