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Shazam has announced it is expanding it's music recognition service partnership service with VF Germany - it will offer a music discovery app, alongside the existing dial-up IVR service. The app is going to be called "MusicFinder with Shazam", and will allow users to capture music on their handsets, share discoveries, and purchase music through the VF music store.

VF Germany subs will be able to download the app to their handset from the Live! portal, and then get a free 30 day trial, after which it will cost 2.99 EUR/month.

If you've not tried the IVR service that Shazam offers before, you dial a shortened phone number (it is 2468 in the UK), and then hold your phone to the music source you want it to identify. After a short while Shazam hangs up, and you get texted the name of the song. I've no idea how it works, because I've tried it before with some fairly loud distorted music, and it has picked out the tune exactly! So, the thought of an app that speeds that along, and adds social networking in the mix, could be quite a nice one - let's get that app rolled out in more countries now :-)