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The Palm Store is finally showing availability of the “Super Hot” Treo Pro as being “In Stock” and shipping in “1 to 2 full business days” which means that Treonauts ordering today will be able to experience the truly stunning looks and superior performance of this latest Palm smartphone as they get it in their hands in the coming days.

It has been a very long time since Palm last produced such a terrific smartphone and to say that I have been completely bowled over would be a rather mild understatement. As I have mentioned before, the combination of the Treo Pro looks, form-factor and terrific hardware specifications have made me completely fall in love with this smartphone. I can’t remember the last time that I felt this passionate about a Palm smartphone and below you’ll find the top 10 reasons most highly cited by Treonauts in a recent survey (484 responses as of 09/25/08) who are like me finding the Treo Pro not only extremely appealing but also absolutely irresistible:
Top 10 Reasons To Get Your Treo Pro

1. Ultraslim & Ultrasleek Form-Factor & Stunning Design Treo Pro Top Marks
2. Full QWERTY Keyboard + High Resolution 320x320 Flush Touchscreen Treo Pro Top Marks
3. Built-in WiFi (802.11 b/g with WPA, WPA2, 801.1x authentication) Treo Pro Top Marks
4. Built-in GPS (Standalone and Asssisted GPS) Treo Pro Top Marks
5. High-Speed Wireless Data (3G HSDPA, UMTS, EDGE) Treo Pro Top Marks
6. It’s a Palm Smartphone Treo Pro Top Marks
7. Dedicated Silent Ringer Switch Button Treo Pro Top Marks
8. Standard 5 Hours Talk Time (Up to 7 hours Continuous) Treo Pro Top Marks
9. Dedicated WiFi On/Off Button Treo Pro Top Marks
10. Windows Mobile Professional 6.1 Treo Pro Top Marks

Additionally, it is worthwhile noting just how overwhelmingly positive the overall attitude has been towards the Treo Pro. As you can see from our original poll below (1,652 responses as of 09/25/08) it very clearly and very loudly conveys a unanimous rating: the Treo Pro is definitely HOT.

I have no doubt that as more and more people get to experience the Treo Pro the above rating will likely continue to rise and I’m naturally keen to hear any feedback from the lucky few who already have it in their hands.

In the meantime, if you haven’t already done so now is the perfect time to order your very own Unlocked Treo Pro smartphone directly from Palm priced at $549.00.