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A little-known company called Proximi, Inc. recognizes the fact that many users demand copy/paste functionality before calling the iPhone a true mobile computer, and so have been working on fixing this little limitation. They are planning to launch an application called MagicPad for the iPhone and iPod Touch, and the same is now undergoing the necessary process for all Apple App Store app approval.

MagicPad is actually a rich-text editor for the iPhone, the first of its kind, which lets users view, edit and create text documents on the go. It also supports font resizing, color changing, and enhancements such as bold, italic, underline and strike-through for text.
All the features mentioned above will come standard with MagicPad, if and when Apple decides to approve it for launch at the App store. And of course, it also lets users cut, copy, and paste text, something that users have been longing to do since the iPhone’s first launching more than a year ago.

MagicPad’s cut/copy/paste functionality only works within the app itself, though, and hasn’t been shown to work between apps, system-wide, although the makers have indicated that they are already working on it.

Currently, Apple doesn’t allow such transfer of data between two or more applications, but we might just be able to see them have a change of heart soon, fingers crossed.

Below is a video of MagicPad in action.

At the moment, MagicPad is still under evaluation and is not yet available for download, but we’ll update you once it gets approved.