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New home awning folders action a new way for users to accumulation their apps and shortcuts logically, aloof by boring one assimilate another. Also, in All Apps launcher, users can now artlessly annoyance an app to get advice about it or anon uninstall it, or attenuate a pre-installed app.
android 4.0
On smaller-screen devices, the home awning now includes a customizable favorites tray arresting from all home screens. Users can annoyance apps, shortcuts, folders, and added antecedence items in or out of the favorites tray for burning admission from any home screen.
android 4.0
Home screens in Android 4.0 are advised to be content-rich and customizable. Users can do abundant added than add shortcuts — they can bury alive appliance agreeable anon through alternate widgets. Widgets let users analysis email, cast through a calendar, comedy music, analysis amusing streams, and added — appropriate from the home screen, after accepting to barrage apps. Widgets are resizable, so users can aggrandize them to appearance added agreeable or compress them to save space.